Well, here we are, firmly settled into another new year!
2013…what do you have in store for us? Is ’13 going to be a “bad luck” year?
To answer this and other questions I had, I did what any red blooded American guy would do. I consulted a numerologist…
I am born on the 13th day of the month, so I am not superstitious and my Personal Number is 6.
Take a look at what Esther 250 says about the coming year and your own personal number…enjoy!
By Esther 250
First and foremost – how do we know which Universal Year we are experiencing?
By a simple Math Calculation that you can use each year:
2013: 2 + 1 + 3 = 6.
The last time we experienced a Universal Number Six year was back in 1995.
KEYWORDS: Beauty, love and service.
SYMBOL: Six-Pointed Star.
PLANET: Venus, the Planet of Love.
Number Six personifies the idea “love others just as much as yourself.” It felt the more people do for others, the more love it would be demonstrating the idea of love.
So as a Universal Year, there will be more focus on those less fortune than ourselves and most likely Mother Nature is likely to put us all to the test. To see if our hearts can say – Do I really have to have that? Can I afford to perhaps give some more charity to those that maybe in immediate need? This year worldwide, we can choose to have the satisfaction in life which comes from service to others. Number Six does not concern itself with how it looks to others, nor have much charge on doing things “right”, for it will know that the free expression of a loving heart is always perfect.
World Lessons in Life are:
Value all people including yourself.
Learn about all relationships and the true meaning of responsibility.
Erase all the “shoulds” out of your vocabulary. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion if even you happen not to agree with it.
Learn how to allow others to assist you, and realize their assistance is coming from love.
Receiving love and saying “thank you” are a fine art, practice it.
How to Calculate Your Own Personal Year
Add the day and month you were born plus the current Universal Year of 6.
This number exposes influences and outcomes that you are under in the present year, helping you to where to concentrate efforts for your Personal year. Special Note: In numerology, 10 converts back down to 1. The exceptions are what is referred to as Master Numbers 11 and 22.
Example: For all of those born on 15th of October, regardless of where in the world.
1 + 5 + 1 + 6 = 7 + 6 now becomes 13 which converts back down to a Personal Number Four Year.
A personal number One year has an underlying theme of “New Beginnings”, therefore your resolution for this year needs to be “I am willing to change”, even if by nature change is not your middle name. This is your year to put fear aside and look at your life and what works for you and what has been holding you back in the past. It is now time for you to be singing for yourself “What About Me and my needs”.
It is also a good year to make a career change if you have been unhappy or start a new course of study. Look for those new opportunities and consider your possibilities and pursue something totally new which will bear fruit over the next few years. Don’t let anyone talk you out of your plans. Keep pushing ahead and do what you intuition tells you is right.
Click here for your Personalised In Depth Numerology Report
A personal number Two year has an underlying theme of “A spiritual growth of sharing and co-operation with others”.
This year carries the theme of “partnership”, but you will have to strive to maintain emotional balance and be willing to give and take. Please note this theme can also extend to both working and business partnerships and not necessarily just those of the emotional variety. Many people find that their personal relationship are tested or challenged during a No. Two year. If you attempt to force things in any relationships or working life, you are likely to become confused and this in turn will cause trouble. Work with time, love and patience and keep things to yourself.
Click here for your Personalised In Depth Numerology Report
A personal number Three year has an underlying theme of “giving” and one must be careful not giving out to the point of exhaustion during such a year. You are also likely to notice that you will be attending a lot of family type functions such as Coming of Age, Confirmations, Engagements or Weddings.
The outcome of this year is very much in your hands. On a deep level, it is your attitudes that will be most important. If you are determined to have a bit of fun and enjoy good company, you surely will and the year will turn out to be one full of fond memories. Also, consider a change of personal style, such as a new wardrobe, hairstyle, etc.
Click here for your Personalised In Depth Numerology Report
A Four year has an underlying theme “work and more work”. You have find yourself with so much to do and it is far better to just get on with it in a systematic way rather than chop and change, or allow yourself to become “frozen” with panic.
This is an excellent year to make plans for the future – making decisions using the blending of head (analysis) and the heart (intuition) and learning to trust the process of your life and cut out what is unnecessary in your life. Usually this year tends to be financially stable but maybe boring on the romantic front.
Click here for your Personalised In Depth Numerology Report
A Personal Number Five year has an underlying theme of “freedom” and is likely to be fast and furious following after a year of stability and boredom. This is the year of travel, exploring new ideas and meeting many different types of people.
If you develop some creative ideas this year, make them happen, especially if they are to do with business/sales promotion. Don’t expect anything serious to develop on the romantic front, but you are likely to attract the sort of people whom you won’t forget in a hurry.
Click here for your Personalised In Depth Numerology Report
A personal number Six year has an underlying theme of “home and family” and you may find yourself placing a lot of emphasis on home, responsibility, “duty”, loved ones, relationships and friends. This is also the year that a lot single people tend to get married.
You may be required to make major decision this year in connection with your stability and future – your foundations for the future. Think with your head more than your heart and you will make the right choice. Decisions to do with real estate are likely to be made this year and this regard, think carefully about where you will be really be happy in the long term instead of just considering things from an impulsive or emotional point of view.
Click here for your Personalised In Depth Numerology Report
A personal number Seven year has an underlying theme of “reflection” and in many ways it is a difficult sort of year to define.
This is a good year for retreat, learning and inner change rather than a year of major happening. From a love and romantic point of view, there is likely to be inner turmoil created by broken relationships. The reason for this is that you now want relationships that fulfill your spiritual as well as your emotional needs.
Click here for your Personalised In Depth Numerology Report
A personal number Eight year has an underlying theme of “independence and wisdom”. It is also likely to be a prosperous one.
Things won’t just come to you – you have to earn them or be working hard for what you want. This is generally a year of material gain – reward for past efforts, but is also a time to break free of the past and get on with your life.
Click here for your Personalised In Depth Numerology Report
A personal number Nine year has an underlying theme of “Endings” and it is a case of coming ready or not. Many changes are set in motion during this year; however, many aspects of those changes will not always be evident until later the following year.
Now is the time to have a spring clean of your life and clear out all the things (and people) that are no longer serving your highest good in life. This is a year of reviewing as well as letting go. Endings in life should be viewed optimistically, because they always preceded new beginnings.
Wow, who knew there could be so much in numbers, and this just scratches the surface!
Just remember what we say in the casino…it is bad luck to be superstitious!